Leave Room for the Magic in Your Life ~ October Soul Insights

The mystical aspect of the unknown is emphasized this month.

There will be a lot known in the feeling and intuiting of things,

This month is not a time to over schedule,  or to think Long-term.

It is a time to review, re-evaluate and to check things out.

October will be a month of testing and re-testing… Just to make sure…

What tone “sure of” will be different to each person depending on which area of life you are focusing on and what is of importance at this time.

For those of you with an interest in Astrology we do have a Mercury Retrograde in Libra and the planet Mars is in Libra.

Fairness, relationships, understanding and for some over-coming miscommunication and difficulties will be emphasized.

All things relationship, whether with yourself or with another will be highlighted and in a sharper focus than what is usually.

The Numerology also supports this energy and energetic focus.

This month we are in a 51/6.

The 6 energy is all about relationships, relating, domestic issues, harmony, balance, creativity and love.

It usually is our “idea” of love.

Love and what it means to you, whether a state of being, or a verb will come into your view this month.

Also, your values and what helps you navigate in your life will be of importance.

The 5 energy wants more freedom, to be more creative, to communicate and for many there will be a craving for romance, as well as more magic in your life.

The restless energy of the 5 energy also connects with the independent energy of the 1.

The 1 energetic theme is to individuate, create and self-express.

It also brings in a focus to your projects, new levels in your career and anything that you are “starting up”.

Your home, domicile, relationships of all kinds, and especially one’s that you have an emotional tie or connection to will be highlighted.

The shifting and rebalancing this month is so you can begin to feel our a more emotionally fulfilling vision in your life.

You Higher Self (the “true you”) will want you to allow for some pauses and don’t over think things.

The Universe wants you to allow the space, let their be more gaps in the day, and even your words.

Don’t over-think or over-schedule…

The synchronicities, little glitches, delays, and magical moments in the space in between are leading you to more Soul Alignment and ultimately more of what you genuinely want in your life.

Soul Insights Mantra:

I am open to the magic of life and divinely guided throughout my day.

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