Traveling the Road… – November Soul Insights

Don’t be daunted by what is not yet in form…

Don’t be held back, or in fear of what is not etched in stone…

Much right now is possibly forming, and that which is forming will be reformed…

There are massive changes in motion, and upheavals that will be revealed and experienced the end of this year and into the next few years.

The road ahead has a lot of twists and turns, but also stretches of open road and peaceful driving.

Focus on the scenery at each passage way and much will be revealed to you.

What supports you, anchors you in the truth of who you are is very important right now.

For many the road ahead brings a fruition of desires; and for some you will be able to see what is up the road for you.

There will be much to do, and for many this means, work, money, career and an extra focus on projects, start ups and entrepreneurial pursuits.

For some this work will be “inner work” and/or working out a situation in a relationship. Remember we partner with ourselves first… A partnership with the Divine, or Higher Self … All stems from our own relationship within.

This month as a 53/8 cycle does bring cooperation and a deeper understanding of your place in life. It also will bring some fundamental change, opportunity and for some an emphasis in creativity.

Keep to your spiritual practice and know that whatever befalls you within you is the know how to get through and there will always be support, inner guidance and ‘magical helpers’…

As the outer world greatly changes it brings times of opportunities for growth, expansions, prosperity, abundance; as well as inner and outer wealth…

It all starts within…

Soul Insights Mantra:

I am in a Divine Flow and in the perfect flow for my life.

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