December Soul Insights- The View is Getting Clearer

For something to begin something ends…

Whether a way of thinking, being, or believing the ending an new beginning is not just situational, but also mental and emotional.

December, brings an energy of a lot to do; or prepare to do…

I am seeing a lot of the traditional December holiday focus, however there is a stronger energy that brings an individual focus to this month.

The individual focus is based on becoming more aware of what one truly needs, wants and values.

There seems to be an impatience in the air to get on, get done and get through.

This really won’t be a frivolous month and I feel people will be budgeting more of their time, energy, interests and money.

The purchase that will be made; or a plan for it to be made for most people will be based on what do I, or “they” really need, want, and what is actually beneficial.

The time, energy and focus will be directed toward what is fitting into the bigger picture of one’s life and the upcoming decisions about one’s life.

For some this will be very primal and subconscious.

For others this will be very conscious, direct and with a laser like awareness of the what and why of their focus and how it is leading to their next level, goal and dream to reality.

The turbulence that will be witnessed and for some experienced I see only heightens one’s focus and sharpens the laser of their desires.

In many ways it is a bit of a  “No B.S.” month. 😊

As with many challenging times balance is key. 🔑 

Actually, it’s not just key, but part of the foundation of all that is being built, rebuilt, created, invented and reinvented right now.

December also brings an energy of “trial and error”, so don’t fear having to redo something, or scrap something all together…

Wind out of what needs to be wound out of, and speaking of wounding, don’t get to wound up over the externals, any drama or the uncertainty.

A lot of stark realizations are coming into view…

Some from your rear view mirror in life and some a window opening with a learning view of what portends the future in your life.

Major decision time February – March 2022… So kick back, have gratitude and enjoy what you can of the current view.

Soul Insights Affirmation:

I focus on the view that is made clearer by my Higher Self.

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