Hi, I look forward to your Soul Path session.

When you have completed your exchange please email: info@soulplayground.life and you will be emailed available times; as well as the necessary info for your session.

Please allow 2-3 days to receive an email response with scheduling times. If you have preferred times you can include this in your email. We are not in the healing office during weekends and national holidays. To better serve you an email with the session and/or program protocol and information to assist you will be emailed to you.

Psychic Channeled Guidance, Transpersonal Therapy & Coaching Sessions

This is a session in which your questions are answered, an overview is given; as well as looking at your Natal Energy' from a Soul Perspective.

  • Session lasts 50-60 minutes.

Exchange fee: $250

Psychic Channeled Guidance

This is a 30 minute version of the Psychic Channeled Guidance.

Exchange fee: $125.00

Soul Path Astrology Reading

  • This comprehensive reading incorporates astrology, numerology and a Soul Path astrology layout.
  • Includes a recording and a copy of your Natal Astrology Wheel.
  • Your birthdate, time and location of your birth will be needed to construct the astrology chart. If this reading is for your infant/child, then the infant/child's birthdate, time and location will be needed.
  • The actual reading is 60 minutes with preparation time before your session.

Exchange fee: $350

Soul Path Program: Self Development and Spiritual Integration with Soul Alignment

This is an individual program that is focused on healing, empowerment, guidance incorporating transpersonal therapy, resonance re-patterning, emotional clearing work, hypnotherapy, psycho-synthesis, soul retrieval, shamanic inner work,  dream therapy, archetypal imagery and other modalities to support you in healing, empowerment and gaining clarity about your life and Soul Path.  This program assists you to create the life, career and relationship that is empowering and fulfilling for you. It supports you in your next level of transformation and Soul Expression.

This program focused on removing the blocks that are keeping you from finding fulfillment in your life; whether in relationships, career or lifestyle. There is also in between session growth work and action steps to assist and support you.  The program might incorporate intuition and psychic development, opening to channel; and other spiritual gift development as indicated by the individual.

The sessions in this program are an on-going coaching/therapy format on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and require a commitment of a minimum of12 sessions for each specific issue/interest or focus.

For information on this individually tailored coaching program, please email: info@soulplayground.life

Please be sure of your appointment as we do not take cancellations, refunds or chargebacks as this time and focus is set aside for you.

