New Moon in Sagittarius – Feel the Light and Take a Big Breath – It’s the Exhale After the Inhale

Can you feel it?
The energetic shift…
During Scorpio Season; October 23 – November 22 we were cast into the depths of introspection, emotional vortices of the subconscious and reevaluations; as well as cutting away…

All this to cut what is extraneous, no longer life-enhancing and not coming with us into 2020.
A lot has been revealed, learned and cut away.
Surgery comes under the energy and sign of Scorpio. So, like a great surgeon it has opened us up to reveal what is relevant, needed, beneficial, life-enhancing, brings us true joy, insight, inspiration, motivation and most importantly is Soul Aligned…
The extra fat is cut away; and we are all being put on better life and food diets literally and figuratively!

What’s clogging our flow and Spiritual connection; as well as blocking more full Soul Alignment for Soul expression is in the process of being removed; or has been removed.

So, you might feel a bit raw, open, wondering, pondering, jumbled, but FREE…
You will feel freed up this week and into mid December.
It’s the expansion after the contraction of all the innerwork consciously and subconsciously that you have been doing on yourself and in your life.

We are in an exhale after the inhale.
I see we are in “an” exhale, as there is more inhaling and exhaling to do…
They inhale was the deep innerwork, being held back, being stalled, pushed deep, held in place. All to received the higher frequency energies of deep healing…
We were all being “operated on” by Source Energies and through our Higher Self.

The astrological sign Sagittarius is all about freedom in it’s various forms…
Freedom to think, freedom to be, freedom to express, freedom for all, freedom to feel safe, freedom for equal justice, freedom to believe what you want to believe; as well as freedom to roam and self express.
One of the key descriptive phrases for Sagittarius is: “Don’t fence me in.”

The Centaur like to not only roam, but fly…
This should give you a useful metaphor to use this month.
How can you be grounded, earthed, and yet fly?
How can you have a base, yet roam?
How can you be in connection and bonded to the people, activities, projects and responsibilities and yet feel free…
Sagittarius not only likes, but needs space; as well as nature…

There is space to breathe in nature.
You might find yourself craving more time in nature; as well as in movement.
This movement can be “outdoors” or in your mind, such as the movement of more expansion ideas, ideals and philosophical musings and conversations.
Sag also loves what is fun and creative.
Sagittarius likes to bring in the light in discussions, situations and within relationships.

This week with the New Moon in Sagittarius and the psychic energetic trend on an upswing the energetic forecast is bringing in some expanding and very positive energies…
A time of expansion after a lot of contraction…
Coming out of the depths…
Open up to the positive energy…
Let inspiration guide you…
Take a big breath and feel the expansion and openings…
Be alert to the signs, synchronicities and messages you are receiving…

As I let my mind roam freely I discover more about me.
I am unfettered and aligned to my inner truth to express more of me and experience more of what is fun and creative for me.

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