All that I am and becoming is Divinely guided in love. All that I create and experience is Divinely guided by love.

It’s a time of digging deep to access what you really want to do in your daily life, your desires and loves…

It’s all about the LOVE baby…

Who and what do you love?

Whether the love is a person, a job, career, creative project, a long held desire, or a decision something in your life will be changing in a very tangible way to change your life direction.

It’s a time of major changes and newness for many. A lot of what you have been hoping for, planning and plotting for, intending, and manifesting is either totally right on your front door, or beginning to peek through…

All kinds of inner work using the alpha-theta state to surf your inner landscapes and dive deeper than before will be like mining for gold and bring you such riches.

Fears, doubts, illusions, delusions need to be perused, surveyed and assessed to see what is a Soular reality; or a long running programming from wounded earth experiences…

Expect some fast change like curve balls, new loves coming in; and old ones bouncing in or out…

For some this will come as a deeper understanding of what they “just went through”, for others it will be an awareness of why they are going through what they are going through; and for others a releasing and relief with a new direction is coming in…

It will be so important to follow your heart; and not in an emotionalism way.

In a way that you are  doing what really resonates and is good for you.

This month is foundational in a way to bring in a better balance to let us all open to and house the New Emerging Consciousness…

If we can’t love ourselves unconditionally how can we truly love another; or love life…

Unconditional self love through a wider lens will be a cornerstone of the foundation that is being created this month.

Self nurturing, self care; as well as spending time with those you care about, love, or just like a lot will be a key focus this month.

Be open to social events, situations and places within communities you feel a resonance to; whether in person or online. This community connecting has a reservoir of synergy and synchronistic connections that are an important part of your Soul Path.

Soul Insights Affirmation and Mantra:

I am Divinely guided by love.

All that I am and becoming is Divinely guided in love.

I am abundant, loved and loving.

All that I create and experience is Divinely guided by love.

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