New Moon in Scorpio- Magnetic Releasing and Attracting

What is released from me supports me on my Path
What is given to me supports me on my Path.
All is unfolding for me in magical ways.

This New Moon in Scorpio will have an interesting intensity and will cut to the chase.
It’s not a time of glossing over issue or surface conversations; especially with yourself.
Expect sacrifices of the lower, less ideal and what is extraneous to be asked of you.
You will instinctively know what to move away from, cut out; and what to keep in your life.

The New Moon has some helpful aspects that will benefit you in the areas determination, focus, intention and follow through.

The ideas that come to mind in the next 1- 2 weeks will reveal to your conscious mind some important aspects for the. bigger changes, cross roads and turning points in 2020.

This New Moon is about drawing in, manifesting, attracting and brining in the new.
However, due to the placement in Scorpio and the aspects letting go and releasing will be greatly highlighted, not just around the New Moon cycle; which is 1-3 days before the New Moon to 1-2 weeks after and right up to the Full Moon.

I would suggest willingly economize by making choices that don’t over-stretch you mentally, emotionally, physically, or financially.
Scorpio is not only to name a few traits the sign of depth, intensity, determination, death and rebirth but also surgeons and surgery.
So, get your scalpel, surgical tape, staples for stitches and any other metaphorical tools you need to repair, renew, release, heal and or stitch up….

You will need to be laser focused in your personal observations this month.
Be honest with what isn’t working, is too much without enough of a payoff; as well as what is over-stretching and over-stressing you.

Why all the cutting back and cutting out?
To build a more stable foundation in all areas of your life.
Scorpio has to do with the underground and underworld.
This means what is intrinsic to your foundation, and crucial to your world will become very evident.

Be flexible. More will be gained and received by flexibility and not by dogma or rigidity.
Expect some surprises and some surprise appearances from people you have talked to, or seen in awhile.
All that is happening is for your ‘cosmic check in and check up’….
Take inventory and trust your intuition; as well as your instincts…
It’s a time of magnetic releasing and magnetic attracting.
Something magical, mystical and perhaps really delicious is about to be revealed…

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