Free Up… Lighten Up… & Don’t Give Up

The psycic energies of January are opening us all up to the energetic theme of 2018…

We are starting fresh this year, with a rawness, vulnerability and openness to the flux and flow of life..
For one we are not starting this new year with retrograde energy… Something has definitely changed; and we all feel it…
The new is here; and just how this new manifests for you will be your guiding force this year.

This is the year of be careful of what you wish for; or as I like to say: Be mindful, aware and appreciative of what you wish for.
More than any other new year there is a decided chance; and for some it is a for sure bet that you will get what you wish for…

You are accessing true magic from deep within and all around you. it is time to realize and feel your interconnectedness to everything and everyone in life.

The more “cut off” we feel and the more we cut ourselves off from people and life affirming situations the more we feel adrift in a sea of loneliness, confusion and wanting…

We are meant to have time alone and revel in that and let our alone; or “on our own time” connect us to our own sacred mystery unfolding… We are meant to take time to commune with our own Spiritual Essence and connect to hear our Soul. We do this, and reinforce our connection at times on our own…

As artists of our own life we need to get caught up in our own flow of artistic magic and lose track of time, people and situations. However we are not meant to cut off and run away from the beauty of love and relationships…

Our confusion comes in times of new pathways, new feelings prompting us in new directions and we lose touch with our own Inner Knowing…
Our Inner Guidance System – Literally Global Positioning System is attempting to guide us and position in a new part of the Soul Playground for more Soul Connection, Soul Expression and meaningful experiences on this wonderful earthplane.

We are being re-positioned and re-directed and that can sometimes be scary for the ego mind and human part of us…
The key is to let those scary; or fear based feelings be interpreted as excitement and anticipation for the new…
It’s easier to do this when we trust our own Inner Knowing coming via our Higher Self from our Soul.
We want, because we don’t yet realize and live from the truth that “we already have”…
So much of what we desperately need and want is already there for us. However many times we misinterpret the messages; or we don’t understand, or like the package it is showing up in…
Our dreams and desires exist on the etheric level and manifest from the Astral or Akashic template…
They are in their unfolding, and many times we mucky it all up, by a lack of patience, persistence and trust. This trust can be a form of belief or faith…

Many time we all just give up; or give into the resistance; or what we are interpreting as opposition right before the physical manifestation.

In 2018 there will be many experiences to re-interpret what you call “fear” and to believe that you are indeed being Divinely Guided and that this Inner Guidance System is within you…
You will also have situations come up that you will need to rely on your own inner knowing. If you don’t know how to do this consistently, accurately and with faith, as well as love the first half of the year is the time to start.

The energetic focus and pull for 2018 is for not only a belief in the magic and mystery of life, but to feel this and live from this awareness.

This January you will have extra time to think and feel things out.
Just make sure that you thinking doesn’t turn into over thinking and paralysis.
Take extra time to be with family, friends, in nature and places of art and music. Do activities that nurture your body and mind; as well as lift your spirit. Seek out places and people that you feel a kinship with and that understand; as well as appreciate your Soul. This means they appreciate your uniqueness, talents, gifts; and over all ‘take on life’…

You will begin to see what ,where, and whom no longer fits into your Soul Journey here…
This way of seeing is connecting you to more Soul focused experiences, expressions and to teach you to see more from the eyes of the Soul and less from the human wounding, and egoic focus.

If January seems like a lot is on your plate and you have many directions, and commitments opening up to you be in gratitude…
You are really living… Your life is full and becoming more fulfilled..
You will have time to par down in the upcoming months…
Learn to listen to your body, trust you inner guidance and get in some hatha yoga; as well as long walks to let your body rhythm balance.

This is the first New Year in a few years that we are really starting fresh…
We are not beginning in a retrograde. The energy is not retrograde and pulling inward. It is in a forward moving direction. This flow requires action from you and you via your Higher Self the action; as well as new direction will be made clear to you…

You have a chance to really live from your Soul and leave the heaviness of ego/human wounding behind…
No matter what befell you in the past, you can really have what you really want to live more fulfilled…

Think back on 2011 as to what was prominent in your life. There will be some similar experiences, decisions and relationship focuses; as well as activities that will bring this energy around, yet in a different way…
It’s time to go deeper; connected deeper and in more meaningful ways with yourself, each other and life in general…
It’s a time of lightening up; yet being deep…

Think new, different…
Don’t expect to do things the way you did before, and expect changes in direction.
All this is leading all of us to more fulfillment…
Your cup can be fuller…
You can receive more…
You can give more…
You can share more…
You can live more…
You can love more…

Step into your new beginning with trust, faith, belief, heart open, courage and be willing to love yourself and others more…
Love the gift of you and your life…

Have the courage this year to live with your heart open and go for what you really desire…

Desire is from the emotional body of our being and is the carrier wave to manifestation and creation…
Your true desires come from your Soul…

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