Pisces Full Moon | From Deep Within & High Above

Look below the surface of your everyday reality and you will find magic there…

This Full Moon in Pisces brings a lot up from deep below Neptunes locker stashed on the bed of our oceanic subconscious and within the Spirit Realms of Higher consciousness and inner flight.

It’s time to bring more faith and belief in something more into our everyday lives individually and in perceiving the “Collective Passion Play”…
All is a Play of Spirit… A Divine Play of Consciousness…

Full Moons reflect a powerful energy for culminations, completions, as well as opening to receive and let go.
This Full Moon in Pisces can both assist you in opening up and reflect to you what you need to let go of at this point in your life and Soul Path.

It’s time to soften your gaze and have a less severe of a focus on your goals and “to dos”
Having a plan, a strategy are helpful; however leave some room for Spirit to work it’s magic.
Intentions are good; however manifesting only from your mind and control will limit what you ultimately manifest.

In situations that seem bogged down, stuck, or moving more slowly do what you can by initiating an action, or devising a plan and then let it be…
Wisdom is in knowing when you respond or retreat…
While retreating activities like drawing, painting, meditation, long walks, inspiring conversation, time with what you consider the softer side of life…
It is a time of softening into your own true flow; which for many there will be a need to “find it” from within and align to it…

A quick meditation process for aligning to your flow is:
With your eyes closed focus on your heart-lung area with your inner gaze inner focus inside.
Sit or stand in a comfortable position with your spine straight and your belly relaxed.
Take about 3 deep breaths in and release your breath allowing your out breath to be a bit longer than your in-breath.
Now, take a relaxed deep breath in and as you release your out-breath gently and softly move your body either forward and backward or side to side in a subtle sway.
Do this until you your body gently stops-rests in it’s center.

You will feel a deeper sense of interconnection, peace, calm and like you are in your inner rhythm.
If you can meditate and contemplate on the phrase below and see and feel them as one and the same; as well as how are active in your life it will give you great insight at this time.

From deep within and high above…

The traditional image of the two fish of Pisces sheds an esoteric principle on balance…
There may be polar opposites within you, or outside of you; however, they can be balanced and harmonized. In fact, they are meant to in our life and on the Soul Path.

If we allow the alchemical balancing and harmonizing of the two fish of Pisces we move out of duality and into a space of expanding oneness.
It is only the beginning, but we all need to start somewhere.
For some their beginning is deeper, more expanded and perhaps further along; and for others their beginning may seem daunting, or awe inspiring.

This beginning is to really incorporate in a more seamless way our Spiritual Nature and Spirituality into our everyday living…
This is the way to the Soul…
We can’t connect to our Soul and live Soul Expressed if we deny our Infinite Spiritual Nature…

We all are of Spirit… Spirit made manifest, however, for some this is a hidden aspect of their being, and for many this is only a hinted at aspect.                                                               It’s time to make it less of a hint and more a part of everyday reality.

Soul Insights Full Moon Mantra:

As I align more to my spiritual nature more in my life aligns  positively for me.

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