March Energies-Swimming or Floating in Love, Light, Dark, Shadows, Dreams & Choices

Now more than ever is the time to follow your heart to follow your dreams…

Collectively this month is a 15/6 month in the system of numerology.

It’s a time of digging deep into the shadow aspect of your being to see and feel what is holding you back from fuller Soul-self expression.

It is also a time of digging deep to access what you really want to do in your daily life, your desires and loves…

All kinds of inner work using the alpha-theta state to surf your inner landscapes and dive deeper than before will be like mining for gold and bring you such riches.

Fears, doubts, illusions, delusions need to be perused, surveyed and assessed to see what is a Soular reality; or a long running programming from wounded earth experiences…

Expect some fast change like curve balls, new loves coming in; and old ones bouncing in or out…

Whether the love is a person, a job, career, creative project, a long held desire, or a decision something in your life will be changing in a very tangible way to change your life direction.

For some this will come as a deeper understanding of what they “just went through”, for others it will be an awareness of why they are going through what they are going through; and for others a releasing and relief with a new direction is coming in…

It will be so important to follow your heart; and not in an emotionalism way.

In a way that you are  doing what really resonates and is good for you.

Unconditional self-love through a wider lens will be a cornerstone of the foundation that is being created this month.

This month is foundational in a way to bring in a better balance to let us all open to and house the New Emerging Consciousness…

If we can’t love ourselves unconditionally how can we truly love another; or love life..

If we can’t forgive the God within or the God without that we perceive has helped us…Or, greatly let us down…

It’s time to not only forgive ourselves, each other, but life itself…

Life in it’s subjective mystery and detached objectivity must be reconciled, revered and embraced.

This month will show you in various ways how the reason has always been love…

To love, be loved, share love through our creations, to create with love, to be happy because of love, to be sad because of love, to be inspired because love, to connect, share and express with those we love, in ways we love; and to want to do more of what we love…

This is the beginning of not understanding and understanding this love more…

This is the beginning of resting in the center of life’s paradoxes….

This month is such a beginning….

The beginning to what will be up to you….


Soul Insights Affirmation:

I am beginning from a place of I have never been before, but I have felt before.

My Inner Guidance is guiding me to what is best for me; and that bring most love, light and wisdom for me.

I am now able to decide what dreams are right for me.


For a more detailed understanding how the collective numerology energies are affecting you personally you can check out my individual/collective yearly overview. 🙏🏽

Also, props to Guru Boo, my hiking buddy for the day. 💗

2019 Numerology Insights & Forecast for the Year

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