Aquarius New Moon- Be a Rebel in a Quiet Revolt

There is an energy that pierces the hull of complacency and rigidity…

This Aquarius New Moon brings a bit of a taste of the mindset that is needed in the New Paradigm.  New ideas,  novel ways of thinking and taking a stark view of what is truthful, fair and just will be highlighted.

Aquarius on the lower harmonic can be a bit “cultish” and despotic.  In it’s higher harmonic expression there is an emphasis of individual expression, however in a way that is mutually beneficially individual and for the group or community.

Expect a lot of conversation around collaboration, or a realization of how important it is to collaborate and have a mutually beneficially focus.

There will also be more of a realization of the importance of  connecting, friendship – kinship and a Soul Family, village, Soul Tribe and Soul Group.  

The meaningful connecting and sharing will begin to take more of a center stage focus.  This for some may be through reflection and a feeling of “what is missing” and for some there will be some situations that confirm this natural need.

There a beginning of a quiet revolt…

It will manifest in many ways.  One way will be through the support of amigos – comrades – like minded individuals.  

There is a turning point that is taking place and if you pause, sense, see and feel the energy you ill see it.  

A big part of this turning point will be the underground economy… Some people are waking up to the truth of what is not the truth, and what is a misuse of power and not fair or just…

It’s quiet though, as Aquarius in it’s higher octave is progressive, just, truthful and focused on far reaching goals, renewal, healing, and forward thinking.

Let yourself tap more into your Rebel energy and see how you can apply this energy in ways that align you to the future you are becoming and the now where the opportunities for this future are forming.

A few  ways to harness this energy :

1-Embrace your inner techie; or find this part inside you.  Use technology, social media, your devices, smartphone and computer to uplift, inspire and spread a Universal truth.

2- Connect with like-mind individuals – Find or build your communities/s.

3- Bust a myth and move past a personal limitation and take a risk by trying something new  or making a change that is life-enhancing.

It’s time to outthink and outsmart any opposition or struggle…

New Moon Mantra:

I am guided by the light of my own inner star as I manifest what is of a higher frequency for humanity collectively and for me personally.

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