Happiness is Part of Your Soul Path…

  • Amplify the good that you have; and that is coming to you…

We amplify the good, the positive and what is life enhancing in our life by bringing conscious awareness to what we have that we love…

Notice the gifts in your life; and what you appreciate; and this amplifies the good and good feelings in your life…


The present planetary energies are opening us all up to living more fulfilled, 

Living from our passion is being Soul Led and Spirit Fueled…

Happiness is a big part of living on this Soul Playground.

Happiness is a part of your Soul Path…

Trust your Higher Self.

Don’t take personally what is leaving; or coming in…

Whether it is a situation, circumstance that is changing; or a relationship that is changing and/or ending in it’s present form…

Watch for the synchronicities in your life and trust where you are being guided…

Energy flows where our focus goes…

So, be mindful of where and how you are focusing your energy…

Mindfulness and ‘Contemplation’ Meditation can really be helpful…

This would be to notice what you appreciate and love in your life…

This would also be where to more consistently focus your energy and thoughts.

Focus on the positive and on what really counts in your life…

You are loving…You are love…



Soul Path Affirmation:

Whatever is mine is drawn  to me…

Whatever is not mine shifts away from me…


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