Trust to Receive Your Higher Guidance

Trust your ability to receive deeper insights and more conscious inner guidance from within…

We are only limited by our beliefs about what we know…

We cannot know what we do not know…

We have the potential for infinite unfolding and extended ‘soul expression’…

This requires us tuning into our own center within; and connecting to the ‘Innate Intelligence’ of the ‘All That Is”…

There is a stream within the consciousness of  ‘The All That Is’ of Life, or God.  In this stream is an endless supply of love, light, healing energy, inner knowing and interconnectedness…

We access this stream via our subconscious… We access and live through this stream in the ‘meditative state’.


Practice taking the time to tune connect within…

State your issue, question or problem clearly and then take a few conscious deep breaths and allow the answer to come to you from deep within.

Your answer may come immediately via images, sounds, words, phrases and an inner voice.  You might receive your answers or insights relayed via outside sources, or people you come into contact with on your path…

Be trusting and open to receive… Take what you receive and test it out in your everyday living… Ask for confirmations and be open…


Connecting to Your Intuition & Psychic Ability


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