Deep Listening Leads to Synchronicity

There is an intensification of spiritual energy on the planet, right now; and this energy is an opening to connecting more to Spirit through higher aspects of our being…

This requires deep listening…. Listening to the subtleties; and connect to the subtle energy our being. This means be more attuned and feeling our Spirit and spiritual nature.

Every question, concern; or wonderment we have is a call to our Higher Self, to the deeper part of ourself. We have to take the time to listen; and not just talk to ourselves. We need to really hear the messages from our physical body, our mental body, our emotional body; as well as feel the spiritual energy within us than animates us and runs through us.

What disrupts and depletes our Spirit and spiritual energy is not life-enhancing for us….

Though for short periods of time disruption, depletion and dissonance can be a part of life and our path; however to live with these states chronically is not enlivening or life-enhancing

Resonance is key…

As we know more of our true thoughts, feelings and desires we are required from deep within to make changes.

For some these changes are environmental, for some in areas. of work, career an job; or position choice.

For many these changes manifest in areas of health, lifestyle and within their relationships…

A good question to ask ourselves right now is: “Am I talking to much to myself; and not listening to the answers I am receiving?”

Talking to ourself is important; however sometimes listening to ourself is even more important…

We all do a lot of self talking, but do we do enough self-listening…

When we talk to ourselves, do self-inquiry; or contemplation meditations it’s crucial to allow the space for the answers within to come into our conscious awareness.

High level & high vibrational “self talk” is not worrying, hashing things over, or circular thinking.

It’s an opening and connecting to the more expanded and deeper consciousness.

It is a connecting to the ‘Mediating Intelligence’ of Higher Self to extend and expand into the ‘Infinite Innate Intelligence’ of The All That Is – Universe; which we are from and a part of in consciousness…

I’ve been asking questions of my Higher Self and God…

Listening and hearing through words, signs, symbols, dreams,

My Spirit Guides, the land and the ancestors that are custodians of the land…

I had been in a little boutique & apothecary sharing stories with the owner about how we both see heart shapes all the time & everywhere. I then see a heart shape from the light on my forearm taken earlier in the day.

I didn’t notice it until she & I talked…

Spirit speaks through us as us… .

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