The Arrow of Universal Truth Enlightens, Inspires and Aspires…

The energy of Sagittarius manifests metaphysically as a beam of directed focused light revealing a greater light and illuminating a way to this greater light and truth…

This Full Moon in Sagittarius reflects as a beacon of Universal Light to manifest as a more inclusive, conscious, aware and awakening truth…

Truth is light; and Universal Truth is Universal Light…

The truth can be, raw, stark and glaring.
It can also be blinding, or set you free…

Where we put our energy in focus, time, money and other formsof energy is being high lighted with the Retrograded Venus in Gemini transit.

The energetic focus of truth in the sign of Sagittarius can be blunt.
I say energetic focus is because each sign reflects a quality of energy…
In Cancer the truth may be evasive and not relayed head on, as Cancer the crab walks not straight ahead but at an angle, and when it is too much goes in each shell to ponder.
In Scorpio the truth can be sharp and piercing like a razors edge and probing to get to the bottom of things.

Aquarius delivers the truth in a direct and usually a way to set something off kilter and perhaps to get a reaction to shock into awareness.
In Sagittarius the truth is blunt, says it like it is, and sometimes so blunt it has the “insert foot in mouth” experience.

Sagittarius delivers the truth without forethought and as seen and experienced in the moment. There is no discourse or weighing of each side as in the sign of Gemini.
Sagittarius as the Archer shoots the observation of truth very accurately aiming and hitting a bullseye.

Sagittarius in mundane astrology is ruled by Jupiter and on the Soul level ruled by Earth.
It is a very human sign, hence the centaur or half man – half horse… Sagittarius reflects myth, idealism and the plight of human existence all in one….

Through Jupiter and Sagittarius, which esoterically and on a Soul level rules justice we are asked to be able to rise above (Jupiter) to be able to perceive a more exact, equal; as well as larger and universal truth in our lives in on this
The elevated and higher consciousness Sagittarius has the hope, the dream, the inspiration and the mission to get to the Universal Truth…

In Sagittarius, the hope, plan and dream is to get to a justice that is fair for all.
What is seen in this sign is that there are many truths for many individuals and groups and there is a truth that brings these people, groups and factions together…

Higher goals, lofty ideas, aspiration, hope, faith, belief; as well as inspiration and inspired action are called into focus.

During this time we are not only asked by each other, or called due to the times we are living in, but from our own Soul we are called to not only a deeper truth, but to a truth that coalesces the peoples of this earth to a more universal truth and more of an ideal way of living.

You don’t have to know astrology, have an interest or knowledge of metaphysics, spiritualism, esotericism, sociology, psychology, or other systems of thought and disciplines to know what to do…

I didn’t live through the 30’s, 50’s or 60’s; in which the themes of these current times were in laser focus through concentration camps, interments, wars and marches…
These times are reflected back through to ancient times – Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt and back further beyond written history and verbal stories.

In college I did march for Gay and Women’s rights…
At the time friends and family said: “But Michele you are not Gay.” No, I’m not, but as a Starseed child and then in my teens and early twenties I knew that it’s only when all people are valued, life is valued then we have justice and fairness.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights and will bluntly state through people voicing the truth of the conditions of where we are, how we feel; as well as what needs adjustments, change, saving, and then nurturing and reinforcing.
This will be highlighted on an individual and collectively level.
The Soul Call will be heard more clearly, as well as what to do with this call.

Your intuition will also be highlighted and key, as much of the deeper truths and how to respond; as well as respond to these deeper truths are revealed intuitively.

The ‘Higher Mind” is reflected through Sagittarius and this higher mind is beyond the egoic nature and surface mind of the ego, or lower mind of beta consciousness.
The Higher Truth is Always inclusive and what is most life-enhancing in any given situation, circumstance or experience.

Let the truth of our ‘Higher Mind’, the interconnectedness with each other and our deeper heart connection lead us all through insight, inspiration and inspired action…

Soul Insights Mantra:

As I speak my truth and live my truth from a universal perspective I experience the loving, abundant and unifying presence and experience of God – The All That Is…


I imagine my life and all life from the higher perspective, higher ideals and higher consciousness of love, light and wisdom.

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