The Next Big Shift and The Next Big Thing…

The energies of ‘The New Emerging Consciousness’ are being earthed…
They are being grounded on this earth plane to be integrated and utilized in our “everyday living”…

In 2011 we experienced a major turning point energetically; and in consciousness. The New Emerging Consciousness of the New Paradigm was anchored astrally and ethericly.
This anchoring has been gestating on the etheric plane of consciousness and manifestation to gather enough energy and garner the higher – expanded frequencies of light to be able to be embodied into physical existence.

This release the stronghold of less life enhancing patterns, ways of relating and systems of thought. A lot has come to the surface due to this; and the shadow material from the astral has been uprooted and set free so that we can see our individual and collective shadow material.

The templates, or overlays that have blocked the higher frequencies energy; and therefore manifestation have been lifting. This means that less of an overlay exists; as well as less denser veils. The veils are the blocks to our own individual and collective memory of the truth of who we are; and what we are here to do… These veils imprint how we act, think; and the very way we interpret life.

These imprints and conditioned response patterns were part of the game of separation, the idea of lack, the idea of money as worth, and the forgetting that we are not just a part of life, but life itself….

The imprint of the new energy patterns have been activated and yet dormant on this mass level of the earth plane; and within main stream consciousness.
Now, as enough people have awakened to a new reality and a possibility of more love, light, wisdom and creative expression the higher frequency of soul expression and soul experience instead of egoic expression and experience can predominate.

The individual Awakening will now begin to be on a collective level and change the course of humanity in a more direct; as well as obvious way….
The game of earth, this ‘soul playground’ has been changing; however now it will be a encoded and obvious change…
The game changer is here and it is ‘The New Emerging Consciousness’..

It is the fundamental movement away from separation, power over, , under power – victim-abuser, scarcity, self imposed lace and limitation to unity, oneness and abundance….
This simply means that we as a humanity begin to live more collectively with the awareness and understanding that we are all from the same source as different reflections. That we separate out from Source, but are not separate from Source – ‘The All That Is’, God, Spirit, the Universe…

We not only are aware of this , understand this, but also live from this place of being…
Along with this crucial shift is a shift away from the “king of the heap’ game and an understanding of all gifts being special, needed, necessary and integral to the whole of creation; as well as life…

This planetary energetic shift is reflected astrologically with Uranus in Taurus…
Uranus, as sometimes called the ‘Great Awakener’, or ‘ Disrupter’ tears down, while deep within the recesses of the energetic matrix and collective unconscious is building…
We are stepping into the Aquarian Age, and Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is the lightning bolt that awakenings, disrupts, zings, blasts, tears apart.
Yet, when there is a tearing apart, a blast, or when one is hit by lightning there is something that remains. What remains is the essential. In the case of our ‘soul playground’ experiment/experience and soul expression it what holds and harnesses the most truth, authenticity, and life enhancement. It is also what aligns us most to our soul, attunes us to our heart and connects us spiritually….

In other words it is what is real and genuine. It is what is backed by love, compassion and wisdom…
It is what takes into account not only what is good for one person, but the many…

When I started sharing my insights, understanding and info on the Great Soul Awakening, Soul Alignment, the next spiritual unfolding; as well as the ‘New Emerging Consciousness ’ or the New Paradigm I stated that many more people would be entrepreneurs, many more artists, healing practitioners, consultants in their respective fields and less people working for large corporations…
People would ask me: “How are we going to make money?”, “If everyone is doing similar work how will we be able to earn a good living?
One person asked: “If there are more people taking slices of the pie he will people survive?”
I said, yes, there will be more slices taken “out of the pie”; and there will be more pies…

We just make more pies, individually and collectively….

We are the ones that have made this game, and the rules… Granted for most it has been deep in the recesses of distant memories, past life and other dimensional dreams and understanding…
However, we all have to acknowledge and really live from the truth that our predominate thoughts, actions, behaviors create what we experience individually and collectively….

The totality of our being creates what is inventive, innovative and what becomes obsolete…
What we can’t handle in the past is transmuted energetically and transformed in what we manifest to experiences…

There has been a tipping point and a certain level through frequency has been reached to create critical mass to allow an imbibing and embodiment of the next wave of consciousness and the matter that is formed from this…

Uranus in Taurus is a beginning step to this and will greatly call change into what we think, feel and live…
There will be a re-evaluating of what matters; and what is the heart of the matter…

An interesting, and very revealing side note is that the sign Taurus denotes, manifested form and the material plane. It is in Taurus that the idea of spirit, the first impulse of light. Descended into mater…
We descended (incarnated) into matter to experienced what mattered to us as individuated; as well as collective souls…
Matter, material, matriarch all derive from matr/metr; which means mother from the Middle English/French language…

There is a reason that we “live” on ‘mother earth’; and star ships; or other worldly/dimension spacecraft are called the ‘mother ship’….
It is only in the feminine that we have form…
the masculine is undifferentiated spiritual energy and the feminine gives birth to form…
The male aspect systemizes, codifies, organizes, but the birth is the divine feminine….
The animating dividing potential life energy of spirit is masculine in nature, the receptive embracing, gestating unifying life energy of spirit is feminine in nature.
When coming harmonizing and balancing qualities of spirit come together they create a blueprint and a matrix that can be manifested as life forms…
The in combination extend; or individuate out into a soul….

So, not only is the individual soul of our nature changing in expression and experience, but the soul of the collective consciousness…

This will affect what we value individually and as a collective…
The ruling planets of Taurus are Venus and Vulcan. Venus exoterically and Vulcan esoterically…

Venus represents what we value -our likes, preferences, matter, form, material possessions, money, the stock market, houses, land, commerce and luxury items. It also reflects love…. Self love and love of others… It reflects how we love, who we love, what we love and how we like to be loved. When we think of Venus we think romance, love and relationships…
Venus also reflects our love of material possessions, or things of the earth we love, but also the people we love…
Venus also, reflects form, appearance and symmetry. Venus likes aesthetics…

Venus also represents the arts and creativity – music, dance, painting, drawing, but all forms of creative expression and creativity. The shift will be the understanding of the soul’s purpose and soul expression on the earth plane. That we are not here to learn; or because of something we did, didn’t do; or didn’t learn “last lifetime”
We are here for soul expression and our soul experience within this. We are living in a soul playground where we can learn and grow; however the main thrust is to simply experience us as the “us” that is our soul in love, light and wisdom with each other…
Once we really get this as a collective, life will become so much lighter and easier; as well as so much more fulfilled…

Relationships and relating are actually key and part of our primary purpose for bing in this mystical, magical sensual world… We are to be loving and loving in the sensual world, not just our possessions, but each other – The people on the planet… It’s all about the people and always has been…. This was hidden, so it became too much about the money, the things money could by and security…

On the egoic expression level it is very personalized and is associated with money, value, property, money; as well as comfort.
On the soul level it represents and reflects value in our soul expression/experience, our gifts, self love, love of others as ourself; and valuing not just the material possessions, money; or what money can buy, but the energy that all this stems from and the consciousness within it.

The planet Vulcan the esoteric, or hidden ruler brings this awareness and understanding into conscious awareness and into the structure of humanity; as well as the forms of life.
Uranus in Taurus will activate the energies to shift our experiences, circumstances, situations of our individual and our collective life to shift our focus; and thereby change what we value, how we live and how we relate…

The new moon in Taurus as it aspects the beginning of the activation and attunement point of Uranus in Taurus sets up a choice point for all….
How this manifests individually will depend on your focus, spiritual growth, soul alignment, consciousness, soul path, soul purpose; as well as where and how it is aspected in your chart.
In general terms expect to experiences changes in how you think, communicate, what you value, what matters to you; as well as how you relate and to whom you relate to…

There will be many shifts… Shifts in the stock market, economy, commerce, housing, and what, as well as, how people “buy”, and what they buy into…
The ‘playing field’ will be more equal… More pieces of the pie served and more pies made…
The shifts, transition and changes will occur will usher in a new understanding of what is really important…What really matters; as well as a heightened focus on relationships of all types…Relating will be key and all that this entails: communication, collaboration, creativity, arts, self expression, more diversity in relationships; as well as how people relate.

Taurus loves and revels in stability and security; whether it is stability of live; or emotional; as well as financial security.
There will be disruptions to the old law, the old paradigm within the plane of focus with all that is aspected during this next big shift…
This is not a little shift or transition… It is a time of consistent, some gradual and some earth shaking shifting and changes…
Earth changes will be happening at a rate that all will notice. The changes will be included in the areas of the environment, monetary, commerce, shifts in nature – Think ‘earth’ and think of what comprises earth and how we live on earth….

The predominate race consciousness will be affected and begin the transmutation and transformation process more individually; as well as deliberately. For some it will come as a turning point; or choice point from a deep knowing, an urge for something more, a call for more connection, more love, more compassion, more fulfillment; for others it will come in a jarring wake up call that brings to a crisis point to then choose the new direction…

Uranus will be in Taurus for seven years and as it goes into Gemini, there has to be enough new forms generated, anchored and used to change the planetary communication systems… Meaning the very way we talk, relate to each other and what we focus on and create…. Gemini is ruled by mercury and represents the mind of creation and thought…

To think differently we have to live differently….
To live differently we have to think and believe differently…

This energy shift and energetic re-patterning is the “Next Big Shift” and brings “The Next Big Thing”…

It is the end of an era… The end of a pattern…The end of a cultural and societal focus…
It is the end of the “The Old Paradigm” and the “Old Game”…
The new game begins…
This new energetic matrix that is being aspected astrologically is beyond the old archetypal patterns of how we love and live…

The focus, awareness, deep understanding and appreciation of ‘what’ creates the forms we love, live by and express through will become more important than the forms of matter…

People will wake up to the deep understanding and appreciation that they are more than what they have, more than what they own, more than where they live, more than what their financial status is… They will come to know that they are not just what uses and enjoys the stuff, but what makes the stuff…
People will come to know and live by the understanding and appreciation that love is not only the unifying principle, but binding force of all that is…
That this love, a yearning for; or expression of, is the reason to create, the reason to live…

The next big shift is the the ability to see behind the creations and the next big thing is the new way of living, loving and being that comes from this….

This ¨next Big Shift¨breaks us opon to a new way of being that aligns us to our soul which can only be accessed and lived by connecting through the heart…

This ¨Next Big Thing will be living and loving from the soul which comes from listening to the heart…

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